Wermoutte #6


If you are interested in the back story of why and how we started making vermouth and intend on devoting a chunk of our production to it, you can read about it here.

The #6 is the second batch we put a label on and made a slightly bigger amount of, and it turned out into a beverage we truly love.

It was made in a “garden clearance” mood, just before fall really hit and we still had tons of aromatic plants growing in the garden. Everything we had went in there: mandarin and pineapple sage, thyme, rosemary, all the flowers left, mint, lemon balm, verbena, lovage, pimprenelle, purple/greek/genovese/cinnamon basil, dried vermouth and certainly a ton of things we forgot about.

The base was a white wine that we fortified with alcohol until we reached 16%. The wine macerated with the herbs for 6 weeks, and was then very lightly sweetened with local honey.

Please note that we opted for batch numbers because our approach to vermouth is freestyle, meaning we work with what we have at that given moment, and don’t intend on reproducing the same vermouth twice.


Wermoutte Batch #5


Goutte Frukt Apfel Cider